Day 477 – The first section

The first section is all about places that I want to go, and probably the most expensive section. I think some of them might still be achievable, though going to Florida or Italy may have to wait until the next 101 blog project. Some of my objectives need to be changed as I’ve learnt what is suitable as I’ve gone along, but I don’t think any of these need to be changed.

In the next few months I definitely want to go to: a butterfly house, Ireland, Blenheim Palace, Alton Towers and try and fit in a city break or two.

In other news, I still have that “At the airport and forgotten my passport” feeling, but Molly and I are going to our first class tomorrow morning, so I am looking forward to that! I should really be off to get ready, and read some more Harry Potter before bed…

Day 477 – Feeling restless!

Over the last few weeks I have had a lot on my mind and have not been able to put my finger on it. Yesterday, I was thinking about September, when I come to start studying again and I remembered last year that I felt frustrated when I was studying as there were so many other things that I wanted to do. Well I’ve not studied for a few months now, and I think what has been on my mind is that I’m going to start studying again, and will wish I had made better use of my free time! I am not sure what it is that I feel I should be doing, it’s like I’m forgetting something which is quite unsettling! I have been feeling quite restless as I’m not spending lots of time on things like housework (thanks to better routines!) and I’ve been at a bit of a loss for what to do!

Having realised this makes a huge difference, and I’ve already emailed a place enquiring about doing obedience and agility classes with Molly. Spring is coming, and I think being outside more will do me the world of good. I am also looking into sharing an allotment with a friend! This isn’t on my 101 list, but is something I felt I couldn’t do on my own. Hopefully getting stuck into doing more, especially outdoors will make me feel more fulfilled.

Looking at the 101 blog as a whole is quite overwhelming, so I am going to break it up into the sections that exist already, blog and make changes over the next few days/weeks.

Ta ra for now!

Day 457 – Time for an update!

I think I have done a few bits on my list and just have not ticked them off, so time to catch up on that!

No. 7 & No. 11. Take Mum to 5 different places – We went to Woburn Safari park and had a ball! Next place to go will be Blenheim Palace, waiting for a nice day to go.

Always Mum's favourite animal!

No 9. Visit 5 cities for a break – We nearly managed to get to Canterbury last Christmas but the snow meant we were stuck on the road for hours! We eventually had to give up and turn round, though I hope we get to go soon.

No. 17. Last October I went with my best mate to Newquay which is in Cornwall, we were there for a couple of days, but it was very relaxing and I had a spa session so I think that counts!

I’m not sure if No. 18 is relevant anymore, I am cooking new recipes all the time and I’ve lost count of the number of new recipes I’ve done now. I think I need to change this, but to what I’m not sure yet. The same goes for using the gym equipment 101 times and going for a walk 101 times. I’ve used the equipment quite a bit, and I’ve gone for plenty of walks, how many I couldn’t say! I guess this is one of the issues of not updating nearly every day! I think I will change these too soon.

The biggest thing I’ve been doing the last couple of months is dejunking the house. I’ve just been doing a little bit at a time, and there’s already a major difference. The house is probably in a bit of a mess, but I can see where it’s getting better, and I can see how it’s going to look! The office and spare room are well underway for being decorated.

I have started the Harry Potter goal! I’ve read the first book and watched the first film. Think I may start on the second book tonight! I’ve also cut my hair shorter… So will have to come up with styles for shorter hair!

I love this 101 blog, having read through the rest of my list I am feeling re-inspired again, and although I’m nearly half way through the 1001 days, I am not nearly half way through the 101 goals, but that’s OK!

Time to get on with the rest of the weekend! x

Day 408 – Happy New Year!

It’s 1/1/11, A new month, a new year and a new decade, definitely the time for fresh starts and new beginnings.

I could be very hard on myself for not achieving as much as I ‘should’ have done, but truthfully, I think this blog has already made me achieve more than I would have done at this point in my life, and I think even though I have not updated for a long time, the project has always been in the back of my mind, urging me to reach for more than just settling for day to day life.

So, with this post, I am wiping the slate clean. I may not post every day or every week, but I do intend to post much more regularly. This year is in a way the most ‘unknown’ year ever so far. Previously I’ve always known roughly what would happen for most of the year, I was either at school, or I was working, or planning to get married etc, but this year, Chris starts the year without a full time paid job, and as a uni student, so financially this is going to be a very interesting year! It’s going to be great to see where Chris ends up, and I think our business will really be taking off! A year of unknowns and I’m really looking forward to it.

I also have a feeling I will be learning a lot about myself this year. I turn 29 in a few days, and it would be nice if I had a better idea of who I am before I turn 30. I am not going to make concrete New Year resolutions as after all this whole blog is a list of goals and targets that I want to achieve. I may now not achieve them all, but I won’t allow this to make me feel bad, as circumstances change, and who says I need to achieve everything I want right now?

With that, I wish you all a happy New Year, may 2011 bring you love, happiness and good health.

Day 276 – Uh oh…

I think not updating for 3 months must be a record! It’s been a hectic 3 months, but that’s no excuse for not updating! Today is day 276 which means I am more than a quarter of a way through the 1001 days. Unfortunately I don’t think I can say that I am more than a quarter through my 101 things…

A lot has happened though. I studied for one of my ACCA exams, took it and I’ll be getting my results tomorrow. I am confident, but it’s been 2 months since I took the exam and time tends to make you question whether you did as well as you felt at the time.

Chris has been made redundant which may affect a few of the things on my 101 list but on the flip side, our photography business is doing really well, so it may be lack of time rather than money that effects how much I get done!

We gathered up all our tesco clubcard vouchers a couple of weeks ago, and we sent off for some tickets to go to Woburn Safari park, so hopefully we’ll be able to go there before the end of September. We will be taking Mum too, so I am really looking forward to it.

I had an operation to explore fertility issues mid June, so may be working towards a couple of goals with that, and I’ve lost 8lbs since the op as it will help with possibly getting pregnant.

House-wise, I am doing quite well, started stripping the hall of it’s horrible orange paper, and we’ll be decorating once we’ve replaced the boiler and some of the wiring. I can’t wait! Dejunking the house is going fantastic, I’m just doing a little bit at a time, to make sure I don’t get fed up with it and give up! I’ll be really happy to have a house that feels decluttered and clean!

We went on a picnic with our church guys today, so that is one thing I can tick off! I’d love to go to Emberton Park or somewhere with just Chris though. Maybe that can be one of our dates! I have also had my nose pierced… But I have not got a tattoo yet though, so I won’t be ticking that off the list just yet..

I have been working towards several other goals but not enough to mention yet, so I’ll save that for another time!  

Tata for now!

Day 168 – Another great Bank Holiday Weekend!

It’s been a while since updating again, but I’ve been horrendously busy with my studies. My next exam is on the 7th of June, and once that is complete, that will go towards one of my 101 things!

It’s been a great weekend, I’ve done lots of study, but also managed to do a couple of things for my 101. I’ve watched Forrest Gump, and I’ve made some scrumptious Banana and Sultana muffins! (More like cakes really!) My herbs seem to be doing really well, and the Parsley is pretty much ready to use, so I think I may be crossing that one off! I’m going to move them into bigger pots, and try and grow different ones. It’ll be great to just pop into the garden if I need herbs for dinner!

I also went out for lunch at the Toby Carvery on Saturday, we had a lovely roast, and it really does seem to be good value at £3.50 a head!

I must admit I am slightly worried as I am now 168 (I think!) days into this project, which is coming up to a fifth of the way in, but no way have I completed a 5th of the challenges! Once I’ve finished my exam on the 7th, I’ll be able to concentrate on this again, and decide what I’m going to do over the summer.

I was going to stick a picture of my cakes on here, but I can’t seem to find my cable for the phone! Next time maybe…

Day 140 -Great Bank Holiday weekend!

I’m sitting here on the sofa wondering where the 4 day weekend has gone, but in all honesty it has been really busy and productive.

Friday and Saturday were spent mainly in the garden, digging and trying to fill up the skip that we had hired for the weekend. It’s back breaking work, though you don’t stiffen up and feel it until you stop! This means we’re working towards #50 and I’m really hoping that the majority of it will be finished by the summer so that we can really enjoythe garden this year. I’m planning lots of BBQs already!

Sunday we went to Church, came back home and relaxed mainly. The day went quite quickly, we had a friend’s little girl over and she played with some of our lego. It was nice, as it made me think about how I used to play with it when I was a child.

Today, it feels like I’ve spent all day in the kitchen, but it was only  a few hours really. I made roasted vegetable soup and I also made Jamie Oliver’s leftover turkey and sweet leek pie. I’ve not really made a pie before, and I learnt a lot today! I’m not really much of a pie person, but my husband loved it, so I think I can chalk it up as a success! The soup was gorgeous, and we’ll be having it for lunch tomorrow. That’s two more for #19.

Something I’ve also realised from reading someone else’s 101 blog, is that I’ve accidently watched a couple more films on the imdb’s top 250, (#95) which I’m really chuffed about! They are Avatar, which I saw at the cinema (Twice! Once at the iMax) and Gran Turino, a film Chris put on, I wasn’t keen at first, but ended up really enjoying the film, and the storyline. I could cheat and add Inglourious Basterds, but it was too bloody for me, and I refused to watch it. so currently, my count stands at 4. I think I’m going to write a list of the other 6 I’d like to watch.

1. Schindlers List 2. Forrest Gump 3. The Departed 4. Slumdog Millionaire 5. Trainspotting 6. Shutter Island. Not in any particular order, just the next 6 I’d like to see.

For now, it’s getting late, and it’s time for bed!

Day 133 – The clocks have changed…

And as usual, I’m completely thrown by it!

I hate it when the clocks have to go forward. I always feel fine on the Sunday, it’s the Monday that I really struggle and I don’t know why. But we have a lovely long Easter weekend to look forward, it’s going to be a good one.

I haven’t really done anything to update the blog with, but I want to get into the habit of blogging at other times too, not just because I’ve done something.  To be honest, life feels so busy right now, that I’m wondering whether I’m really going to get all the things I want to do, done! It’s frustrating really, there’s so much I want to do, but there never seems to be any time. But, life is good, and seems to be looking up even more at the moment! Chris and I would love to build our own house, and once we’ve paid everything off, and decorated this place, it looks like we’re going to have a good try at doing so! I doubt it’ll be a house in the normal sense though, made out of bricks and mortar, not if my husband gets his way..! But I’m OK with that. I’m quite excited actually! I love that it could possibly be one of my next 101 project (yes I’m already thinking of 101 things to do after this lot!)

Time to turn in now, but I hope to be back soon, maybe with some more tasks completed maybe?

Goodnight! x

Day 111 – #48, #20, #22 and

I’ve not updated this blog for a while again, but looking through my list, I’ve done a lot more than I thought I had, and I’m pleased with myself. I’ve done a couple of things that I had already started, like walking etc, so I have updated those on my list.

The ones I’ve started, or have completed include:

#48 – sort out paperwork and filing system. Yes! It’s not quite a filing cabinet, but all the paperwork has been put away in folders, and they are tidy in a box, and much more easily accessible than it was before. Here is a picture…

There are two boxes, one stacked on top of the other. I think it’s the accountant in me that is reluctant to throw much of our paperwork away!

I’ve also made a start on #20 Succeed at growing herbs for the kitchen. I’ve planted them in a trough that I’m keeping inside for now, as it’s still quite frosty in the mornings, but they are growing at an absolutely mental rate! I’ve probably put too many seeds in, so I am going to have to thin them out soon. Lesson learnt, but I’m over the moon that they are growing so well! Here is a picture of when I first sowed them, and what they look like at the moment.

To start #22, I baked cheese scones last week, though I didn’t take a picture of them. My next baking effort, I’ll take a picture. I’ll blame it on the fact that they were so yummy they went like hot scones! Heh.

I have also made a start on #66, read 10 books. I’ve always been an avid reader, but the last couple of years or so I’ve not seemed to have been able to find the time. A friend of mine lent me Lovely Bones. I didn’t think it would be my thing, but I ended up really enjoying it, and I went to the cinema to see it there. The film was very different from the book, but I took my mum with me  as she told me she’d not been to the cinema since Fatal Attraction was out! That was late 1980s! My mum is deaf like me, and has never really enjoyed going to the cinema, but the showing we went to see was subtitled. I think she won’t be leaving it another 20 years to go again! Here’s a picture of the book I’ve read.

I really need to sort out an SD card for the D40 that has been lent to me by a friend, as the quality of photos from the iPhone when it’s not broad daylight is not good. So I’m going to do that tonight! I’m enjoying taking the pictures to record my progress, so it’ll be nice to do it with a better camera.

Until next time!

Day 92 – Visited London!

Last Tuesday I took Chris to London for one of his birthday presents. We got a taxi to the train station, then caught the train to Euston. I absolutely adore London, especially the public transport, so we got the tube to Waterloo as I had ordered tickets online to go and see Avatar at the IMAX cinema, but I was panicking about not picking up the tickets! After we’d picked up the tickets, we wandered up toward the National Portrait Gallery. Unfortunately, my husband directed us and we ended up in the National Gallery, and didn’t realise that we weren’t in the NPG! It wasn’t really what we were looking for so I took charge and we headed for the Photographers Gallery, which is near Oxford Street. It was great wandering through Trafalgar Square and Leicester square. There were so many restaurants, and I was hungry, but we couldn’t stop as we were only planning on a grab-n-run lunch! The photographers Gallery was quite cool, but it was a lot smaller than I was expecting. After we left, we headed back to Waterloo, in search of lunch and in preparation for seeing Avatar.

We had seen Avatar once before at our local Cineworld, neither of us had been to the IMAX before, so I figured that Avatar was the film for our virgin viewing of the IMAX screen! Here is Chris wearing the weird 3D glasses…

Avatar at the IMAX was brilliant! It didn’t have subtitles for me, and the T-loop system was too quiet for me, but having watched it before, I followed quite well. We ate lots of popcorn and sweets, and drank lots of coke, I was surprised at the prices, being as we were in London, I was expecting astronomical prices, but they really weren’t bad at all!

After leaving the IMAX, we weren’t sure what we were going to do, so we went wandering again, past the london eye:

and into the slug and lettuce for a nice pint of pear cider! Chris fancied an italian so we went looking for a Bella Italia (Classy, I know) but I don’t think he realised how crammed BI’s normally are. We walked in, he took one look and we walked straight back out again! Chris isn’t a fan of crowds, but there was a Pizza Express across the road that was much more friendly, and the food was yummy!

I think Chris has has a fantastic 30th Birthday, and I am pretty sure that we’ve had a good day in London being tourists for the day… Which means I can cross another item off my list! Yay!

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